Mica Bay
Ostrander Point


Eastern Projects
Prince Edward County Off-Shore

The Prince Edward County Off-Shore project is located approximately two kilometres south of Prince Edward County, in Lake Ontario.  When developed this wind farm opportunity has the potential of providing power for approximately 86,500 homes per year. 

Gilead will work with the MNR, First Nations and community organizations and expects to bid the project into the OPA FIT Program in 2012.  The wind resource for this area has been monitored since 2004 from the on-shore meteorological tower at Ostrander Point.  An off-shore meteorological tower will be installed in 2010 to collect site specific wind data which will help determine the turbine layout.

Project Overview

Land base: 2,860 hectares on Crown land, in Lake Ontario.

Land ownership:  Crown Land

Potential wind farm size: 306 MW

Wind Resource: Desk top wind monitoring data indicates an above average wind resource.  The Wind Resource Assessment, to be completed by Helimax Energy Inc. will commence in 2010 and will provide information on capacity, long term projections and potential electricity generation.

Progress to date:  Gilead has secured the site through the MNR Crown Land process and is responding to the Provincial Policy Statement regarding long-term opportunities for the generation and use of renewable energy systems (Pp. 13-14, Sec. 1.7 & 1.8, Provincial Policy Statement, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, March 2005) and potentially the Ontario Power Authority RFP for renewable energy generation.

Transmission options: Interconnection Study will be completed for the 500kV Hydro One Networks Inc. Transmission Line.

Ontario Water Power Association  Canadian Wind Energy Association
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