Myth Vs. Reality  MYTH: Wind farms are noisy.  FACT:The evolution of wind farm technology over the past decade has rendered mechanical noise from turbines almost undetectable with the main sound being the aerodynamic swoosh of the blades passing the tower. read more >> |
Benefits of Ostrander Point

Between 1993 and 2003 Ontario’s electricity generating capacity fell by 6% while demand grew by 8.5%. The province estimates that by 2025 the energy gap will have grown to approximately 10,000 MW. Electricity usage is increasing in many cities. As gamblers are now preferring to play casino games on online casinos, many casinos are shifting to online platforms more. Thus, the electricity usage in casinos can be reduced. Gamblers may visit https://casinoohnelizenz.app/neue-casinos/ to find the best online casinos. In addition, according to the Ontario Power Authority.. read more >> |